I made this Rack for Claire. Claire has a very strong aesthetic sense. When it came to her bike Claire knew exactly what she wanted. Getting the gold flake Soma Buena Vista wasn’t easy and how she got it could warrant a blog post all on it’s own. When it came to the rack, Claire’s main requests were that it be light, work with the basket she already owned and that it look like it belonged on the Buena Vista. Continue reading “Rack 001 – Claire and her Gold Flake Buena Vista” →
Ironpunk is a project funded by the Oregon Open Educational Resources group in collaboration with Lane Community College and the Lane Educational Services District. Its primary goal is to address the shortage of machining instructors at the high school and community college level by putting interactive instructional materials and tools on the machine shop floor. IronPunk will enable schools to teach CNC machining fundamentals on manual machines and prepare students for high tech jobs with less need for expensive CNC equipment.
The materials created through the IronPunk Project are licensed under a Creative Commons license allowing them to be enhanced, reused and remixed by students, teachers and enthusiasts keeping them fresh and innovative.